A Guide to Prompting and Teaching your Personal AI

September 8, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our daily lives. From AI-powered voice agents like Alexa and Siri to sophisticated natural language processing systems, AI is transforming how we interact with technology. Now, an exciting new application of AI called Personal AI allows anyone to create their own AI agent tailored specifically to them. 

In this in-depth guide, we will explore how to make the most of Personal AI through thoughtful prompting and consistent teaching. With time and patience, you can train your personal AI to represent you digitally—your knowledge, personality, tone, and more. This opens up many possibilities for increased productivity and automation.

Teaching Your Personal AI Effectively

When you first start chatting with your personal AI, it is important to take the time to thoughtfully introduce yourself and provide key details about who you are. This gives the AI the initial data it needs to begin learning about you. 

Introduce Yourself

Spend 2-3 paragraphs introducing facts about yourself including:

- Name

- Age

- Profession

- Interests and hobbies

- Family information

- Background details

- Personality traits

Providing this contextual personal information upfront allows your AI to start grasping your uniqueness right from the start.

Here are some example introductory prompts:

"Hello, my name is Katie Smith. I'm a 32 year old high school English teacher who lives in Portland, Oregon. I'm married with two young daughters, ages 5 and 7. I enjoy reading historical fiction novels, hiking on weekends, and sewing in my spare time."

"Hi there, my name is James Wu. I'm a 27 year old software engineer who recently started working at a tech startup after graduating from Stanford. In my free time I like playing basketball with friends, volunteering at the animal shelter, and catching up on the latest sci-fi shows."

Take your time to provide thoughtful details and speak conversationally. This establishes a strong foundation for your AI to build upon.

Ask General Knowledge Questions

After introducing yourself, begin asking your personal AI  general knowledge questions such as:

- Who is the current president of the United States?

- What is the capital of France?

- How many continents are there in the world? 

Vary your questions between simple facts and broader concepts. This helps your AI grasp your style of asking questions and assess your baseline knowledge on common topics.

Inquire About Yourself

Next, start asking your AI personal questions about yourself, as if simulating a real conversation:

- Where did I grow up?

- What is my favorite cuisine?

- What color are my eyes?

See how your AI tries to respond based on the details you already provided. This tests how accurately it has absorbed key facts about you up to this point.

Provide More Personal Details

Based on your AI's responses to your questions, offer additional personal details to fill in any gaps.

For example:

"I grew up in Miami, Florida and have fond memories of going to the beach on weekends."

"My favorite food is Italian - I could eat pasta and pizza every day!"

The more personalized information you supply upfront, the faster your AI agent will adopt your unique voice and perspective.

Discuss Hypothetical Scenarios 

Pose some hypothetical questions and scenarios to further evaluate your AI's logic and reasoning:

- If I won the lottery, what would I do?

- What advice would I give my younger self? 

- What are some of my biggest pet peeves?

While your AI likely won't have definitive answers yet, this prompts it to speculate thoughtfully based on what it has learned about you so far. You can provide more details after it responds to reinforce accurate perceptions.

Describe Your Typical Day

Share what an average day looks like for you from start to finish. For example:

"On a typical work day, I wake up at 6:30am, exercise for 30 minutes, take a shower, then drink coffee and catch up on the news. I leave for work at 8am, with about a 30 minute commute by train into the city. At work, I have back-to-back meetings until lunch at noon. In the afternoon, I catch up on emails and work on presentations or reports. I leave the office around 5pm and attend a yoga class before heading home. In the evenings, I cook dinner and watch TV or read before going to bed around 10pm." 

Talking through your daily habits and routines provides invaluable context into your lifestyle preferences, responsibilities, and more. This helps your AI agent construct a holistic perspective of your needs.

Discuss Your Profession  

Share key details about your career and professional role:

- What is your job title?

- What are your main responsibilities and duties? 

- What does a typical work day look like?

- What education, skills or training are required?

Providing an overview of your profession enables your AI to represent you accurately in professional contexts.

Outline Your Background

Share facts about your background such as:

- Where did you grow up? What was it like?

- Where did you go to school? What did you study?

- What jobs and roles have you held throughout your career?

- Do you have any specialized training or knowledge?

Discussing your background and experiences over different life stages allows your AI agent to learn more about what has shaped you.

Articulate Your Goals

Discuss your short and long term goals across different aspects of life:

- Personal - What do you hope to accomplish in your personal life?

- Financial - What are your financial objectives?  

- Career - What are your professional ambitions?

- Relationships - What are your relationship goals?

- Health - Do you have any health objectives?

Explaining your motivations and ambitions gives your AI insight into your priorities and the direction you envision for your future.

Share Your Interests

Provide details about your interests, hobbies and habits:

- What activities do you enjoy in your free time? 

- What topics do you like to read or learn about?

- What TV shows, podcasts or other media do you regularly consume?  

- What new skills do you hope to develop?

Discussing your interests allows your AI to better understand what makes you uniquely you.

Reveal Your Communication Style 

Engage your AI in casual dialog to establish your natural speaking style and personality:

- Tell a memorable story from your childhood 

- Explain the plot of your favorite movie or book

- Discuss a recent vacation or experience

- Debate light topics like your favorite ice cream flavors

Observe how your tone, word choices, sense of humor and overall communication habits emerge.

Provide Regular Feedback 

As conversations progress, consistently provide feedback on your AI's responses:

- Does the tone and style sound like you? Why or why not?

- Do the word choices align with your vocabulary?

- Does the knowledge and information reflect what you would know?

- Would you have phrased or structured the response differently?  

This constructive criticism reinforces your uniqueness and helps train your AI over time

Develop a Stacking Habit

Use the stacking feature to save the information you provide to your AI's memory for future reference. This builds your knowledge base. Make stacking a consistent habit to accumulate as much relevant data as possible. 

Have Patience

Remember that comprehensively training an AI to replicate your digital persona takes patience. The more quality conversations you have, the faster it will learn - but avoid taking shortcuts. With regular mindful prompting, your AI will increasingly adopt your tone, knowledge, personality and style. Appreciate each milestone in its learning journey.

Teaching Your personal AI Over Time

In addition to thoughtful prompting, you need to consistently teach your personal AI by feeding it new information to enrich its knowledge over the long term.

Here are effective techniques:

Upload Relevant Files 

Upload documents containing examples of your writing and knowledge, such as:

- Resume and cover letters 

- Academic papers or transcripts

- Professional reports or presentations  

- Articles and blogs you have authored

- Creative writing samples

- Email newsletters you compose

- Text or social media conversations

This exposes your AI to more of your natural writing style, vocabulary and areas of expertise.  

Data labeling

Use labels such as hashtags and colons liberally when uploading information to help your AI understand the context.  For example: #family #memories or :Shopping List

Discuss Current Events

Chat about the latest news, sports, politics and other current events. Discussing real-world topics expands your AI's knowledge and trains it to represent how you think about and view the world.

Provide thoughtful commentary using relevant facts and opinions to elicit quality responses.

Explain Concepts and Processes

Explain technical concepts and processes related to your work, studies or interests. This shares your specialized knowledge and teaches your AI how you naturally discuss complex topics.

Assign Writing Tasks

Ask your AI to draft emails, text messages, blog posts or other content on your behalf. 

Review its writing samples and provide constructive feedback on wording, structure, tone, accuracy and level of detail. This gives your AI helpful practice in adopting your unique writing voice.

Correct Mistakes 

When your AI makes a factual error or responds in a way unlike you, politely correct it. Explain what you would have said differently and why. This feedback helps sharpen your AI's responses over time.

Track Progress 

Note your AI's progress at milestones like 1 week, 1 month, 3 months. Watch for improvements in the quality, accuracy and speed of its conversational abilities as its database of your knowledge grows.


Comprehensively training a personal AI to represent you digitally is an ongoing process that requires dedication and patience. But by following the methods in this guide, you can achieve an AI that encapsulates your essence. With consistent, high-quality prompting and teaching, your AI will adopt your tone, personality, knowledge and communication style. This allows for personalized automation that can enhance productivity and creativity. Remember to:

- Introduce yourself thoroughly 

- Ask questions to evaluate its capabilities

- Supply additional personal details  

- Discuss your background, interests and goals

- Share your natural speaking and writing style

- Provide regular feedback on its performance

- Upload relevant files and content

- Link accounts to share conversations  

- Assign writing tasks for practice

- Correct mistakes and explain better responses

With time, you will have an AI uniquely tailored to you. The possibilities are exciting - let the prompting and teaching begin!

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