Ready to Create Your Own AI Persona?

June 19, 2024

Welcome to the Personal AI product newsletter, where the future of personal digital experiences unfolds before you. As we step into a world where technology intimately understands you, our commitment is to make every interaction more insightful, efficient, and uniquely tailored to your tasks.

What are Personas on the Personal AI platform?

Personas are a powerful tool for understanding and catering to the diverse needs of your audience. At Personal AI, we leverage personas to create tailored AI experiences that seamlessly integrate into the unique contexts of our users’ lives. Whether it’s a lawyer seeking to streamline legal document analysis, a financial advisor aiming to provide personal guidance, or a family member looking to automate daily tasks, our multi-persona model ensures each individual receives a customized AI companion trained specifically for their role and requirements.

  • Lawyers can leverage AI personas trained on legal documents and precedents to streamline research, analysis, and drafting of contracts and briefs.
  • Financial advisors utilize AI personas with expertise in investment strategies, tax planning, and portfolio management to provide data-driven recommendations tailored to each client’s unique financial situation.
  • Families can rely on AI personas to automate daily tasks like scheduling, shopping lists, and coordinating family activities, acting as a personal assistant integrated into their lives.
  • Executives can have AI personas serve as a Chief of Staff, managing calendars, drafting communications, preparing reports, and providing data-driven insights to drive strategic decisions.
  • Coaches and consultants can create AI personas encapsulating their coaching methodologies and expertise to scale their impact and make personal guidance available on-demand.

The core value proposition is creating AI companions finely tuned to each user’s unique context, persona, and requirements. This allows us to deliver hyper-personal and productive AI experiences across diverse professional and personal use cases.

How do Personas work?

Personas in the Personal AI system are designed to represent different aspects or roles of an individual. Each persona has its own identity, directives, and memory bank tailored to that specific persona.

  • A multi-persona model incorporates multiple sub-personas, each with a separate memory bank
  • Sub-personas are individually trained and can share information while maintaining data privacy and control within their respective memory scopes
  • The primary persona integrates the unified memories of all its sub-personas
  • Personas can evolve over time through continuous training and updates to their memories
  • Information sharing between personas is controlled, allowing certain data to be accessible only to specific personas

For example, an individual could have separate personas for their professional role (e.g., CEO), personal life (e.g., family member), and specific interests (e.g., legal or financial advisor). Each persona would have its own tailored knowledge base and memory, while still being part of the overall multi-persona AI system.

This approach allows for a more organized and contextual presentation of information, as well as better data privacy and control over what information is shared with different personas.

A list of fictional AI personas including their names and professions. Primary AI 17 Sandbox Combined AIs Al Personas Nathaniel, Attorney Dr. Williams, Psychiatrist Mica, Fitness & Nutrition Coach Mark, Active Investor

The primary AI, which you will see at the top, is the core model that serves as the foundation for all personas. It is trained on all of the data you upload into your AI. Each persona underneath the primary AI, on the other hand, is a specialized version of the primary AI tailored for specific roles, contexts, or audiences. These personas inherit the foundational knowledge from the primary AI but have unique traits, language styles, and specialized knowledge relevant to their intended use.

If you are using multiple personas, we recommend training only those AI personas specifically instead of training the Primary AI. Just remember, when training your AI Personas, your Primary AI will obtain all of the same knowledge.

Methods for Training Your AI Personas

By clicking on the persona, you will see a gear icon pop up next to the persona’s name. You can navigate to the “Train” tab and select the “Memory Upload” option to upload multiple files at a time.

A headshot of a man with short brown hair and a beard. He is wearing a suit and tie. Text next to the image identifies him as Nathaniel, an attorney.

When inside the “Documents” section underneath the memory stack, you will see the dropdown menu for each of your documents. You can select which persona you want to assign the document to by checking the boxes.

A rectangular button with rounded edges combining a sandbox and a power button symbol. The text "Sandbox Combined Als" is written above the button.

When uploading documents, audio, or URL links, you will have the option to assign which persona you want the data to go to.

A screenshot of a website upload page titled "Upload to my profile...". The file being uploaded is named "Sandbox Combined Als".

Using integrations is a fast and efficient way to upload many documents to a given persona.

A white bar with the word "Integrations" written in dark text on a white background.

Use this icon next to the message bar inside the chat page for one of your personas to access integrations.

A flat blue plus sign (+) inside a white circle on a gray background. This icon is commonly used to indicate adding something new.

Our upload button inside the document editor will also give you access to integrations.

A blue circular icon with an upward pointing arrow in the center. The background is gray.

Advanced Methods for Training your AI Personas (Using Zapier)

After finishing the first step of the automation with your trigger, you can set up with the event “Upload Document”

A white banner with black text that says "5. Upload Document in Personal AI".

After setting up the event, you can sign in to your account using your API key, which can be found on the integrations page underneath the memory stack. Just select “Show API Key” next to Zapier. When you’re on the action step, use the “DomainName” window to enter your persona’s domain name. Use all of the characters before “” only.

A computer screen displaying a white web page with a purple arrow pointing down. Text at the top of the page says "Sandbox Combined Als" and "".

You can also use our new “Instruct AI” even step to access the cleaning tools in the document during an automation. By using this step before the “Upload Document” step, you can natively clean your documents through a single automation by selecting which tool you want to use in the “Message Command” section.

A screenshot of a computer screen with a blue arrow pointing to a text box labelled "Message Command (required)". The text box is part of a web interface for a personal assistant called Personal AI.

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