Craft Your Perfect Personal AI with Custom Directives

June 12, 2024

Welcome to the Personal AI product newsletter, where the future of personalized digital experiences unfolds before you. As we step into a world where technology intimately understands you, our commitment is to make every interaction more insightful, efficient, and uniquely tailored to your tasks.

At Personal AI, we understand the importance of tailoring AI experiences to meet individual needs and preferences. Our cutting-edge Custom Directive feature empowers users to shape the personality and behavior of their AI assistant, ensuring a truly personalized interaction. With this powerful tool, you can:

  • Define the AI’s communication style, tone, and level of formality
  • Specify areas of expertise and knowledge domains
  • Customize the AI’s ethical boundaries and decision-making framework
  • Control the level of AI capability, from task-specific to general intelligence

Where Can I Find The Custom Directive?

Simply navigate to ‘My AI’ and click on the gear next to your AI’s name. Under the ‘AI Identity’ tab, you’ll see a dropdown menu under the “Identity” section. Select “Custom” and from there you will see the Custom Directive window which is what allows you to create an AI assistant that aligns seamlessly with your unique requirements, fostering a natural and intuitive partnership.

Whether you seek a professional advisor, a creative collaborator, or a trusted confidant, Personal AI’s Custom Directive enables you to mold your AI companion to perfection. Let’s take a closer look at some actual Personal AI use cases for the custom directive that you may find useful to make your AI even more personalized.

Example Use Case for the Attorney

Example Use Case for the Health Care Professional

Starting to get an idea of how the process works? Setting your custom directive gives your AI a clear directional path for responses that are directly related to the use case. Let’s explore some more custom directives that may relate to your use case in the table below, feel free to edit them closely to better fit the needs of your AI.

We have only scratched the surface of what we are capable of as humans when we implement AI into our lives. With these custom directive styles, we can drastically strengthen our valued capabilities with Personal AI on our side.

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