New Personal AI Chrome Extension

September 27, 2024

Welcome to the Personal AI newsletter, your guide to the cutting edge of intelligent business solutions. Discover the latest in AI-powered efficiency, knowledge preservation, and scalable expertise. Join us as we unveil the future of work, where AI and human talent combine to drive innovation and growth.

This week, we are excited to introduce our latest innovation: a powerful Chrome extension designed to revolutionize how you train and interact with your AI. In this issue, we’ll walk you through using this new tool and demonstrate how it simplifies the process of uploading information to your AI’s memory. Get ready to supercharge your AI experience with just a few clicks!

The Value of a Personal AI Chrome Extension

  • This innovative Chrome extension seamlessly integrates Personal AI capabilities into your web browsing experience. With a simple click, the tool allows you to instantly save web page URLs to your AI’s memory, creating a curated knowledge base tailored to your interests and needs.
  • As you surf the web, you can effortlessly bookmark important articles, websites, research papers, or any other online resources you want your AI Personas to remember and reference in future interactions.
  • By building this personal repository of web links, you can enhance your AI’s understanding of your preferences, work, and learning journey, ultimately leading to more relevant and intuitive AI-powered insights.

How to Install the New Personal AI Chrome Extension

Step 1: Click this link:

Step 2: Click “Add to Chrome”.

The image displays a Chrome Web Store page featuring the Personal AI Extension. Under the “Extensions” tab, there is a large preview of the Personal AI extension. It includes information about “Personal AI For Developers,” explaining how developers can integrate Personal AI into various applications. To the right of this preview is a pop-up window titled “Enter Your Personal AI Details” with fields for API Key, Domain Name, and other details, along with a “Save Details” button.

Step 3: Install the extension by clicking “Add extension”.

The image shows a browser extension installation prompt for “Personal AI Extension”. The main text asks “Add Personal AI Extension?” At the bottom of the prompt, there are two action buttons: “Cancel” and “Add extension”.

Step 4: Once that is completed, you will see “Installed” in green.

The image shows a screenshot of the Chrome Web Store displaying the search results for “Personal AI”. In the top right corner of the Personal AI extension box, there’s a green “Installed” indicator, showing that the user has already added this extension to their Chrome browser.

Step 5: Once installed, you will be notified that it is added to your Chrome.

The image shows a window from the Google Chrome browser indicating that an extension has been successfully installed. At the top right corner, there is the Personal AI logo representing the extension. The main text reads “Personal AI Extension has been added to Chrome.

Step 6: For easy access to our plugin, we recommend pinning our extension to your Chrome toolbar. Simply click the pin icon (highlighted in blue below) next to our extension in the Chrome menu. Once done, you’ll see our logo appear on the right side of your search bar.

The image shows the Google Chrome browser extension list. There’s a line item for the “Personal AI Extension”. To the right of it, there’s a blue pin icon, suggesting the extension is currently pinned. There’s also a three-dot menu icon, indicating additional options are available for this extension.

How to Use the Personal AI Chrome Extension

Before you begin saving your URLs or uploading files to specific personas, you first need to connect the chrome extension to Personal AI by adding your API key and a Persona domain name.

The image displays the settings interface for the Personal AI extension. The main content area is titled “Settings”. Below this, there are two input fields: “API Key” and “Domain Name”. At the bottom of the interface, there’s a button labeled “Save Settings”.
  • Here’s how it works. Start by navigating to your account setting in Personal AI.
  • Locate your API Key close to the bottom of the page. Your API key will look something like this: AIzaSyCwEro-wQ6YUNcA1ozA9FQev-DyJp3t2E
  • Copy this API Key and paste it into the field saying “API Key” in your Chrome extension.
The image displays a user settings page for a Personal AI account. On the left side, there’s a menu showing “USER SETTINGS” with “Account Settings” highlighted. The main content area shows “Profile Details” for the account with a field for the account’s API Key.
  • Next, you need to locate your Persona Domain Name for the specific Persona you want to save the URL or upload files to. Don’t worry, you only need to complete this step once per persona and the chrome extension will save the information for next time you browse the web.
  • You do this by clicking “Publishing & Sharing” under the Configure tab in Personal AI.
The image displays the configuration menu titled “Configure” with five different settings options listed below: 1. Persona Settings (represented by a gear icon); 2. Publishing & Sharing (represented by a rectangle icon, possibly symbolizing a screen or document); 3. Messaging Defaults (represented by a toggle or switch icon); 4. Messaging Integrations (represented by an icon that looks like a speech bubble with lines); 5. Advanced Settings (represented by a wrench or tool icon).
  • Once you are in the Publishing & Sharing tab, locate the “Brand Page Link” section.
  • For example: If I would like to save a URL page or upload a file to the “VP of Strategy, Marcus” persona, I would copy the domain “” and paste only the “tjxcompanies-marcus” into the field “Domain Name” in the chrome extension.
The image shows the user interface section for customizing a brand page link on Personal AI. The section is titled “Brand Page Link” and provides instructions for customizing the link where an AI profile page is hosted. Below the explanation, there’s a text input field divided into three parts: 1. “tjxcompanies-” (pre-filled and non-editable) 2. “marcus” (the customizable part) 3. “” (pre-filled and non-editable) This creates a full link that would read: tjxcompanies-marcus.personal.
  • Once you are done copying and pasting the API Key and Persona domain name into the chrome extension, it should look like this:
The image displays the settings interface for the Personal AI extension. The main body of the interface contains two text input fields. The first field contains a long string of characters which is an API key. The second field contains the text “tjxcompanies-marcus”, which is the domain name. Below these fields, there’s a button labeled “Save Settings”, which would save any changes made in the fields above.
  • Remember to press “Save Settings” before you exit out of the settings page.
  • If you would like to add multiple personas to the extension, you simply need to copy and paste their Persona domain name into the domain name field. Press the “+” sign to add multiple personas at one time. Always remember to “Save Settings” before exiting the settings page.
The image displays the settings interface for the Personal AI extension. The main body of the interface contains several elements: 1. A text field with the API key; 2. Another text field labeled “Domain Name” (currently empty) 3. A “+” button to add multiple AI personas; 4. A tag that reads “tjxcompanies-marcus” for the already added AI personal; 5. A button labeled “Save Settings”; At the bottom of the interface, there’s a confirmation message: “Settings saved successfully!”.
  • You are now ready to save URLs and upload files directly from your Google Chrome browser to your Personal AI Persona!

How to Save to Your AI Memory: Save URL

  • Whenever you browse the web and find something you would like to save, simply click our logo up in the chrome extension section to “Save URL”.
  • If you have added multiple personas to the extension, you can choose which one you want to save it to by choosing from the list in the “Select a Persona” dropdown menu.
  • There will be pre-populated titles and hashtags when you add a new URL. If you want to modify either of them, you can edit directly in the chrome extension before saving to your AI memory.
  • To add your own tags, simply type in the tag field and hit enter/return on your keyboard for each new tag.
The image shows the user interface for the Personal AI chrome extension. At the top of the form, there are two tabs: “Upload URL” (which is active) and “Upload Files.” Below this, there’s a field displaying a URL. The main content of the form includes: 1. A title field; 2. A hashtags section; 3. A “Persona” dropdown menu; 4. A button at the bottom labeled “Save to Memory”.
  • Once you are done adding tags and selecting your Persona, make sure to hit the “Save to Memory” button. You will be met with this screen, indicating that your file has been successfully saved:
The image shows a screen of the Personal AI Chrome extension with the message: “Memory has been saved successfully”. There are two buttons: “Go to your Personal AI” and “Return Home”.
  • You now have the option to return back to the upload screen or go to Personal AI to see your new memory!

✨Coming Soon: Upload Files

In our next Chrome update, you will be able to drag and drop any file to the Chrome extension to quickly save to your AI Memory.

Similarly to the upload URL function, you can select which persona you want to save the file to by choosing from the list in the “Select a Persona” dropdown menu.

The image shows the Upload File interface for the Personal AI Chrome extension. It includes the upload area with the text “Select or drag and drop content” and a list the supported formats. Below it, there are 3 additional fields: “Title”, “Tags” and “Persona”. At the bottom, there is a button to “Save to Memory”.

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