Personal AI 2023 Year in Review

December 27, 2023

What we focused on in 2023

  • Our MODEL-1 met the world in April and we acquired 6 digits of users. Our product evolved into an universal communication platform for humans and AIs and shipped our native iOS app.
  • We got really good at execution, we released 15 times a day and made 30+ commits daily across our 149 Github repos.
  • In addition to our B2C market, we transitioned into the B2B side of the market in Q4 and signed 6 digits contracts. All with little change to our core platform and technology. We now boast clients in many industries, including law, education, healthcare, finance, marketing, and talent agencies.

Where we are going in 2024

  • In addition to our B2C mar Our MODEL-2 is readying itself for our Jan 2024 launch and we are excited to tell you more on 01.09.2024
  • Our users will have options of sharing and deploying their personal AI wherever they choose through our integrations and native website embeds.
  • We will further deliver our promise of privacy and ownership by bringing your personal AI to your edge devices.
A image for January 9th 2024 event for MODEL-2 launch, accompanied by an image of a girl starring into her AI reflection


💬 A Fresh Messaging Interface

  • In Jan 2023, we started redesigning our web application from a Human-to-AI Interface to an Human-to-AI Network.
  • In Mar, we expanded the capability of chatting with your own personal AI to chatting with friends (and their AIs) in DMs to create your own community in Lounges. Our community is now 40k strong.


📱Going Mobile Native

  • In Apr 2023, ~3500 of you joined our GA event with our MODEL-1 Launch event exactly 47 years after Apple-1 Launch and announced the beginning of the Personal Intelligence Era where everyone can own and control their personal AIs.
  • In Jun, we shipped our iOS native app for messaging on-the-go. A new medium for us and our users.
A gif of personal AI mobile app showing an interaction between Kristie and Suman AI


🌎 Discover a Personal AI World

  • In Jul 2023, we rolled out MODEL-2 Beta that seamlessly blends long term memory of personal AI and short term conversational memory. MODEL-2 is just about ready for world in Jan 2024.
  • In Sep, we've had fun creating and some of our favorite AI Friends - some fun (Robin the Comedian), some knowledgeable (Eve the personal AI expert), and introduced some popular LLM friends (ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini) into our AI World.


🚀 A Space for Training

  • In Oct 2023, we were obsessed with designing a better and faster training experience with the mission of "Training your personal AI in under 10 minutes". This became a reality in early December, which included a whole Training Space for every AI - an unified place to configure your AI identity, plan, and train your AI.
  • In Dec, we revamped our Integrations with help from our partners - now our Memory and Messaging integrations are faster and more complete. We've also been continuously rolling out Quality of Life features - AI Instructions are now at your fingertips and a brand new message bar. 
A gif showing training spaces with multiple upload methods of website, documents, and other data formats.

The Future of AI is Personal. Let's Build it Together.

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