Personal AI for Finance

July 26, 2024

Welcome to the new Personal AI product newsletter, where the future of personalized digital experiences unfolds before you. We are thrilled to embark on this remarkable journey with you. As we step into a world where technology intimately understands you, our commitment is to make every interaction more insightful, efficient, and uniquely tailored to your tasks. Let’s unlock the full potential of what Personal AI can do, together. Welcome aboard!

Why Do Strategy and Finance Teams Use Personal AI?

Diagram showing 5 main reasons why strategy and finance teams use Personal AI. 1. Resource efficiency: Smaller digital twin models are less computationally demanding, making them cost-effective and faster, ideal for real-time applications. 2. Ease of Deployment: With lower complexity and resource requirements, smaller models are easier to deploy and maintain, beneficial for companies with limited technical infrastructure. 3. Customization and Specialization: Smaller models with customization tailored to create a digital twin with custom voice and style in addition to specific training on niche tasks, often performing better than larger, generalized models. 4. Data Privacy and Security: Smaller models can run locally on devices, enhancing data privacy and security – key for sensitive information that should not be disclosed to the public. 5. Regulatory Compliance: Localized, smaller models can more easily meet stringent data regulations, aiding compliance with data sovereignty laws.

Personal AI for Strategy and Finance Enterprise Teams

Imagine a financial institution creating AI models for each of their top advisors. These models would:

  • Retain vast amounts of financial knowledge and expertise.
  • Provide 24/7 personal financial advice to clients.
  • Automate repetitive tasks like portfolio rebalancing and risk assessments.
  • Generate tailored investment strategies based on market trends and individual client profiles.

Centralized Knowledge Repository: It acts as a centralized knowledge repository, retaining vast amounts of information crucial for strategic decision-making and financial analysis. This ensures that all team members have access to the collective expertise and historical data of the organization.

Screenshot of a user asking their AI "Do you have any insight on market growth in a particular region?" and their AI responding with market growth insights per region.
Company name changed for privacy

Efficiency and Productivity Boost: Our customers report efficiency increases upwards of 50%, saving about 13+ hours per week. This translates to approximately $20,000 in cost savings per AI model per month. For strategy and finance teams, this means:

  • Rapid generation of original ideas and unique perspectives
  • Automation of repetitive tasks and bottlenecks
  • Streamlined workflows for faster decision-making
A white card with three blue boxes showing results. The first box shows "13 hours per week" under the title "TIME SAVINGS". The second box shows "50% more efficient" under the title "EFFICIENCY INCREASE". The third box shows "$20k per month" under the title "MONEY SAVED".

Enhanced Analysis and Insights: Personal AI can process high volumes of qualitative data, tabular and financial data, and other formats including SEC filings, quarterly earnings, slides, and transcripts. This capability is particularly valuable for:

  • Competitive intelligence gathering
  • Market trend analysis
  • Financial forecasting and modeling

Personal End-to-End Experiences: Strategy and finance teams can leverage Personal AI to create tailored experiences for stakeholders, from personal reports to customized financial recommendations.

Example of Enterprise Cases for Personal AI Adoption in 2024

Table showing 4 enterprise use cases (Key Meeting Synthesis, Equity and Market Research, Proactive Analysis, Product Design with Image Generation), the team involved, the description of the use case, and the impact Personal AI has.

Real Life Finance Use Case with Personal AI

How did an Enterprise Client at Personal AI put their model to use?

  • Synthesizing key insights and takeaways
  • Ensuring immediate access to previous discussion points
  • Consolidating and analyzing insights from pasts meetings to comparative analysis
  • Providing a holistic view of company performance, industry trends, and market conditions
  • Saving time by centralizing diverse financial data and offering real-time updates on market changes
  • Facilitating trend spotting, competitive analysis, and risk assessment
  • Examining revenue and quantity sold to identify potential customers for a specific product model for upcoming seasons
  • Measuring the performance of a specific store in certain periods and YoY change
  • Accelerates design and innovation by quickly generating diverse concepts, enhancing creativity
  • Lowers design expenses by automating initial concept creation, providing professional-level design access to all teams
  • Facilitates personalized designs and effective pre-production market testing

We optimize excel file data for fast and accurate recall using the following 3 steps:

  1. Data Preprocessing: Ensure that your Excel data is clean, formatted consistently, and free from errors or missing values. This can significantly improve the model’s ability to understand and process the data effectively.
  2. Efficient Data Loading: Instead of loading the entire Excel file into memory, consider loading only the required sheets or ranges of data. This can reduce memory overhead and improve processing speed, especially for large Excel files.
  3. Indexing and Chunking: If you’re working with a large dataset, consider indexing and chunking the data into smaller, more manageable chunks. This can help the model process the data more efficiently and reduce memory usage.

Security and Compliance with Personal AI for Enterprise and Finance Teams

Security and compliance at Personal AI is crucial for enterprise and finance customers for several reasons:

1. Data Security and Privacy

  • Ensures robust security practices are in place to protect sensitive information
  • Demonstrates commitment to safeguarding client data, a top priority in finance

2. Risk Management

  • Helps identify and mitigate potential security risks
  • Reduces the likelihood of data breaches and associated financial/reputational damage

3. Regulatory Compliance

  • Aligns with industry regulations, particularly important in heavily regulated sectors
  • Supports compliance with other standards like GDPR and HIPAA

4. Competitive Advantage

  • Differentiates from non-compliant competitors
  • Often a prerequisite for winning contracts with large enterprises

5. Trust and Credibility

  • Builds confidence in our ability to handle sensitive data
  • Demonstrates commitment to maintaining high standards of security and privacy
Three white cards with rounded corners, arranged horizontally. Each card contains a title and text describing a security measure: Left card: A medal icon with the text "SOC 2 certified" and details about certification by leading cybersecurity auditors. Middle card: A star icon with the text "GDPR/HIPAA" and information about compliance timelines. Right card: A lock icon with the text "Encryption in transit and at rest" and details about data encryption methods used.

Why Choose Personal AI for Finance?

Why Choose Us? Unique Value Propositions and Competitive Advantages: Accuracy is key - our digital twin approach with personalized language models trained on an individual's data ensures unmatched precision compared to generic AI assistants. The ability to synthesize insights from all your personal data sources is game-changing. And the built-in collaboration capabilities save major dev effort. Technology Requirements: The AI requires continuous updates and secure, robust infrastructure to support its operations. Privacy & Security: Special attention is given to data security and client confidentiality, with rigorous compliance measures in place to protect sensitive information.

By embracing Personal AI, strategy and finance enterprise teams can unlock unprecedented levels of productivity, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities. It’s not just about assistance; it’s about augmenting intelligence and scaling expertise to tackle complex challenges in today’s fast-paced business environment. This approach could dramatically increase efficiency, allowing Finance and Enterprise Teams to serve more clients while maintaining a personal touch.

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