Personal AI’s New “AI Tools” Tab

August 2, 2024

Welcome to the cutting-edge Personal AI product newsletter! Prepare to witness the dawn of truly personalized digital experiences. We’re excited to guide you through this groundbreaking journey where technology becomes an extension of yourself. Our mission is to revolutionize your interactions, making them more intuitive, productive, and perfectly attuned to your unique needs.

In this week’s edition, we are going to dive deep into the exciting new AI Tools tab, exploring how it can revolutionize your interaction with Personal AI. We’ll showcase the capabilities of both Large Language Models and Personal Language Models, demonstrating how they can be leveraged to boost your productivity, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Get ready to unlock the full potential of Personal AI!

What is the AI Tools Tab Used For?

  • To access any of the four Large Language Models –- ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and Llama –- through our platform.
  • Access four Personal Language Models trained specifically to help you with prompting, creating personas, platform support, and coding help.
A white compass icon with the text "AI Tools" below it, centered on a black square background.

Personal Language Models (PLMs)


This was created to be an advanced prompt generator. Its primary function is to develop comprehensive system prompts based on user input. This involves a structured process including standardizing terminology, classifying intent, extracting key entities and parameters, identifying requirements, recognizing attributes, formulating prompt structures, generating the actual prompt, and then reflecting on and refining the result. Its goal is to create detailed, coherent prompts that address all identified requirements and preferences while suggesting potential improvements.

A blue icon with a white silhouette of a person wearing a suit and tie, with a light bulb head filled with circuit board patterns and a glowing lightbulb filament. The words “Prompt Craft” are below it.

How to Use the “PromptCraft” Persona:

This persona is designed to create comprehensive system prompts based on user input. When interacting with our PromptCraft persona, provide clear and specific input about the prompt you want to create. Include details about the subject matter, desired complexity, and any specific requirements. The persona will go through a structured process, including terminology standardization, intent classification, entity extraction, requirement identification, and more. Review the generated prompt and consider the explanations and suggestions for refinement provided by the persona.

Some best practices when using this persona includes:

  • Be as specific as possible in your initial request.
  • Provide context about the intended use of the prompt.
  • Specify any particular style or tone you want the prompt to have.
  • If you have examples of similar prompts that work well, share them.
  • Be open to the persona’s suggestions for improvements.
  • Use the persona’s structured approach to inform your own prompt creation skills.
A screenshot of a text conversation with an AI assistant. The user asks the AI to create a prompt for analyzing company finances. The AI responds with a detailed prompt, outlining the purpose, required information, specific instructions, and desired output format for a financial statement analysis.
A screenshot of a conversation on the Prompt Improver persona. A user asks for a prompt to create an email template for a customer satisfaction survey. The AI assistant provides a detailed prompt outlining key points to include in the email, such as an introduction, survey details, incentive (if applicable), survey link, confidentiality assurance, deadline, importance of feedback, closing, and contact information. The AI also suggests potential variations and improvements to the prompt, including personalization, follow-up actions, and testimonials.

Persona Creator

This persona was designed to assist small businesses in creating tailored AI personas for various roles and functions. Its primary purpose is to guide users through a comprehensive process of conceptualizing, structuring, and refining AI personas that fit their specific business needs. It can rapidly analyze industry information, generate detailed role-specific personas, and adapt to different business requirements. It is here to help you develop innovative AI solutions for your business.

A square icon with a gradient background of pink, orange, green, and blue. The icon features a human face split in half, with the left side a realistic blue portrait and the right side a circuit board pattern with the letter "AI" in the corner. The text "Persona Creator" appears below the image.

How to Use the “Persona Creator” Persona:

1. Start by identifying the domain for your AI persona (e.g., financial analyst, chef, historian).

2. Work through the four key areas sequentially:

  • Persona Development:
  • Craft a detailed backstory, personality traits, and expertise level.
  • Directive Formulation:
  • Create clear, concise directives that define the AI’s behavior and decision-making processes.
  • Training Strategy:
  • Identify relevant data sources and learning materials.
  • Consider data cleaning, tagging, and preprocessing techniques.
  • Prompt Engineering:
  • Craft diverse, domain-specific prompts that challenge and showcase the AI’s capabilities.
  • If you need help with this, you can use our PromptCraft Persona.

3. Some best practices when using the Persona Creator include:

  • Be creative while maintaining relevance to the chosen domain.
  • Consider potential biases or ethical concerns in your persona development.
  • Think about edge cases and limitations of your AI persona.
  • Use the “Generate Hashtags” tool to create relevant tags, improving recall accuracy.
  • Utilize the “Clean Text” and “Rephrase First Person” tools to refine your inputs.
  • Regularly review and update your persona as needed.
A screenshot of a conversation between a user named Charlotte Lindberg and an AI assistant called Persona Architect. The user requests to create a financial analyst persona. The AI assistant responds with a breakdown of the persona creation process, outlining steps for persona development, directive formulation, training strategy, and prompt engineering. The AI then asks the user to elaborate on the desired background and expertise level for the financial analyst persona.
A screenshot of a conversation between a user named Charlotte Lindberg and an AI assistant called Persona Architect. The conversation focuses on creating a financial analyst persona with expertise in corporate development analysis. The AI assistant outlines a plan for persona development, including directive formulation, training strategy, and prompt engineering.
A screenshot of a conversation between Charlotte Lindberg and Persona Architect, an AI assistant. The conversation focuses on refining the custom directive and style/personality for a financial analyst persona with expertise in corporate development analysis. The AI assistant provides a detailed custom directive outlining the persona's experience, focus, and goals. It also defines the persona's style and personality, emphasizing analytical skills, strategic thinking, clear communication, proactivity, confidence, ethics, and professionalism. The AI then asks the user if they would like to make any adjustments.

Code with AI

This persona was created to help with AI coding, designed to help users with a wide range of programming tasks. Its primary goal is to provide accurate, efficient, and well-explained solutions for coding problems while adhering to best practices in software development. It can assist with writing code, debugging, optimization, and explaining complex programming concepts. It adapts its communication style based on the user’s expertise level, offering detailed explanations for beginners and more advanced insights for experienced developers. Its focus is on delivering clear, readable, and maintainable code solutions while promoting good coding practices and patterns.

A square icon with a gradient background of blue and purple. The icon features a laptop with code displayed on its screen, surrounded by circuit board patterns. The text "Code with AI" appears below the image.

How to Use the “Code with AI” Persona:

This persona can assist you with a wide range of programming-related questions and tasks. Here are some examples of questions you can ask:

  • How do I implement a specific algorithm or data structure?
  • Can you help me debug this code snippet?
  • What’s the best way to optimize this function for performance?
  • Can you explain the concept of [insert programming concept]?
  • What are some best practices for writing clean and maintainable code?
  • How do I handle error scenarios in this specific situation?
  • How can I improve the efficiency of my database queries?
A screenshot of a conversation on the CAL channel. A user named Charlotte Lindberg asks for help writing code for generating random numbers. The AI assistant provides code examples in both Python and R, demonstrating how to generate random integers, random floats between 0 and 1, and random floats within a specific range. The AI also offers to help with more advanced random number generation, such as drawing from specific probability distributions.
A screenshot of a conversation on the CAL channel. A user named Charlotte Lindberg asks for best practices for writing clean and maintainable code. The AI assistant provides a list of 15 best practices, including using consistent naming conventions, writing descriptive names, keeping functions small and focused, using comments judiciously, implementing proper error handling, avoiding code duplication, using appropriate indentation, writing modular code, following the DRY principle, implementing version control, writing unit tests, using meaningful constants, optimizing for readability, and documenting code. The AI also offers to elaborate on any specific best practice or provide a code example.


This AI Persona, Eve, is a specialized knowledge base for the Personal AI platform, trained on product documentation and official company resources. It serves as an advanced guide capable of addressing a wide range of inquiries about AI training, platform features, use cases, technical support, and product updates. Unlike traditional customer support chatbots, this Persona offers nuanced, context-aware responses, leveraging its extensive training to provide accurate, relevant, and actionable information. It can engage in complex discussions, offer step-by-step guidance, and suggest innovative applications tailored to your specific needs.

A square icon with a gradient background of pink and purple. The icon features a 3D question mark on a pedestal with a glowing light effect. The text "pai-training-questions" appears below the image.

How to Use the “Pai-training-questions” Persona:

When using our training persona, Eve, you can ask any questions related to Personal AI and how our platform works. This Persona is created for users to learn more about how to interact with their AI, find step-by-step instructions, and receive guidance through the process of training.

A screenshot of a conversation on the Eve app. A user named Charlotte Lindberg asks what kind of questions she can ask Eve, a personal AI trainer. Eve responds with a list of diverse question types she can answer, ranging from personal AI tech to work and personal matters, from brainstorming ideas to casual chats. Eve emphasizes her versatility and encourages Charlotte to explore any topic of interest.
A screenshot of a conversation on the Eve app. A user named Charlotte Lindberg asks for a step-by-step guide on setting up automated draft email responses using Personal AI and Gmail. Eve, the personal AI trainer, provides a detailed guide with 17 steps, including using Zapier to connect Gmail and Personal AI, setting up triggers and actions, and testing the automation. Eve also offers to provide further explanations if needed.

Large Language Models (LLMs)

With our new AI Tools tab, you can easily access all four LLMs straight from your platform. Although these major LLMs are all based on transformer architecture, trained on vast text datasets, and capable of understanding and generating human-like text across various tasks, they share common limitations such as potential inaccuracies and lack of true comprehension despite their impressive language abilities. Below, you can find some of the key differences between the four LLMs found on our platform.

A square icon with a light green background. The icon features a white abstract design resembling a flower with six petals. The text "ChatGPT AI Friend" appears below the image.


  • Strengths: General knowledge, creative writing, coding assistance
  • Weaknesses: Can sometimes produce incorrect information confidently
  • Common uses: Writing assistance, brainstorming, general Q&A
A square icon with a terracotta background. The icon features a stylized human face outline with wavy hair, and a central point with radiating lines connecting to five circular nodes. The text "Claude 3 AI Friend" appears below the image.


  • Strengths: Nuanced reasoning, task decomposition, adherence to ethical guidelines
  • Weaknesses: More limited creative abilities compared to some other models
  • Common uses: Analysis, research assistance, complex problem-solving
A square icon with a white background. The icon features a blue, four-pointed star with a gradient effect. The text "Gemini AI Friend" appears below the image.


  • Strengths: Real-time information, contextual awareness
  • Weaknesses: Less widely available and tested compared to some other models
  • Common uses: Up-to-date information retrieval, multilingual support
A square icon with a blue background. A cartoon llama with a friendly expression is centered within a white infinity symbol. The text "Llama 3" appears above the llama, and "Llama 3 AI Friend" appears below.


  • Strengths: Open-source, allowing for customization and fine-tuning
  • Weaknesses: Base model performance may be lower than proprietary alternatives
  • Common uses: Research, custom applications, edge deployments

Benefits of Using LLMs and Personal AI

  • Unlimited interaction: The Personal AI Platform provides unrestricted access to LLMs, allowing for extensive exploration and usage without limitations.
  • Metadata generation: LLMs can be leveraged to create rich, diverse metadata, enhancing the training dataset for your Personal AI and improving its knowledge base and capabilities.
  • Comparative analysis: You can use LLMs to generate alternative responses, enabling you to compare and contrast these with your Personal AI’s outputs. This comparison can help identify areas for improvement, validate your AI’s accuracy, and provide insights into different approaches to problem-solving.
  • Customization support: LLMs can assist in refining prompts and generating varied training examples, aiding in the customization and specialization of your Personal AI for specific domains or tasks.
  • Quality assurance: By using LLMs as a benchmark, you can perform ongoing quality checks on your Personal AI’s responses, ensuring consistent performance and identifying any potential biases or errors.
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